This year VM Carpetcelebrated its 50 years anniversary2023. For the honor of the anniversary we organized a design competition targeted for young designers together with Young Finnish Design! The competition task was to design a new woven rug for VM Carpet´s collection utilizing VM Carpet´s materials: wool, paper yarn, wool and linen yarn, cotton or jute cord.
The competition started on the 12.1.2023 and ended on the 31.5.2023. Three finalists were selected at VM Carpet´s 50-year celebration party on 7-8.6 at the VM Carpets showroom in Lappajärvi. Aino Ojala was selected for the final with her work “Voikukka”, Tiina Hyväri with her work “Softis” and Laura Krekula with her work “Naava” The competition culminated on the main stage of the Habitare fair on Wednesday 13th September, when the prestigious jury selected Laura Krekula’s work “Naava” as a winner. All three finalist work will be seen in VM Carpet collection. Stay tuned!